Okay, so this is embarrassing but I have written, re-written, posted, deleted, and re-posted so many of these 'I'm starting a blog and I'm so excited about it!' posts that it's now sort of a pathological problem. I start blogs with the best intentions and I always fall short right off the starting line.
And here I am, doing it again! The difference is, that this is the last time I'm going to try. If it doesn't work I'm just going to accept that blogging isn't for me and give up on it forever! However, I am not willing to throw in the towel until I make one last genuine effort to make it work. So, I'll skip the heartfelt starting point speech and just tell you that I'll be with you for the next little while sharing my experiences, my knowledge, and my feels. See you around my little wonders. Stay radical!
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March 2019